Prometheus metrics

The HTTP API has a /metrics endpoint that exposes Go runtime metrics as well as things including:

  • downstream DNS requests, broken down by type
  • upstream DNS requests
  • upstream DNS-over-HTTPS success rate
  • downstream DNS-over-HTTPS success rate

No grafana dashboards exist for leng yet. If you make one, please make a PR!

High cardinality metrics

Tags can be added to some metrics (upstream_request, request_total) so that they include information such as the name of the DNS request (ie, or the IP of host making the request.

If leng is left to run for a few hours (and you have enough traffic), the cardinality of these metrics will grow, to the point the size of the /metrics response will grow to be so big the metrics stop being updated. While resetting the counters periodically can help (and you can tweak that with the config Metrics.resetPeriodMinutes) but you might still see issues depending on your traffic. You can read this SO post to learn more.

High cardinality metrics can also compromise your privacy by exposing in the metrics endpoint what domains clients are querying as well as their IPs.

For these reasons, high cardinality metrics are disabled by default. You can enable them with the following config:

enabled = true
path = "/metrics"
highCardinalityEnabled = true