
Leng is also packaged as a Nix flake.


You can simply run nix run github:cottand/leng to run latest master.

Installing in NixOS via a Module

The leng flake also exports a NixOS module for easy deployment on NixOS machines.

Please refer to Configuration for the options you can use under services.leng.configuration. = ....

In your flake

  inputs = {
    # pinned version for safety
    leng.url = "github:cottand/leng/v1.5.1"; 
    leng.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, leng, ... }: {
    # Use in your outputs
    nixosConfigurations."this-is-a-server-innit" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      modules = [ 
        leng.nixosModules.default #  <- import leng module
          services.leng = {       # <-- now you can use services.leng!
            enable = true;
            configuration = {
              api = "";
              metrics.enabled = true;
              blocking.sourcesStore = "/var/lib/leng-sources";

Legacy Nix

Add the following inside your configuration.nix:

{pkgs, lib, ... }: {
  imports = [
    # import leng module
    (builtins.getFlake "github:cottand/leng/v1.5.1").nixosModules.default 
  # now you can use services.leng!
  services.leng = {       
    enable = true;
    configuration = {
      api = "";
      metrics.enabled = true;
      blocking.sourcesStore = "/var/lib/leng-sources";


The flake's development shell simply includes Go 1.21+ and a fish shell. You can enter it with nix develop.