Here are some useful guides and resources for working with leng. Contributions welcome!

Why Leng

Reasons you would want to use Leng include:

  • Ad-blocking at the DNS level: this compliments misses browser adblockers (they use a different approach to block ads), and is especially useful in devices where ad-blockers are hard to install (like smart TVs, or non-browser apps).
  • Blocking tracking at the DNS level: vendors, especially your device's manufacturers, will often track you outside of websites (where browser ad-blockers are powerless). When using the right blocklists, leng will block this tracking for all devices that use it as their DNS provider.
  • DNS Server for self-hosted infra: by specifying your records on a config file, leng is a very easily maintanable custom DNS server deployment.
  • DNS Privacy and Security: many devices use the most basic DNS implementation, DNS over UDP. This is a bad idea because it is less private and less secure (you can read here to understand why). Leng can serve as a secure proxy so that even if your devices speak to it via UDP, it speaks to the rest of the internet via the more secure alternatives (like DoH or DoT).
  • It's small and fast
  • There are few open-source DNS servers with the above features: my motivation for forking grimd and creating leng was the need for a server that provided blocklists (like Blocky) as well as decent custom DNS records support (like CoreDNS, grimd was almost there).

For more on leveraging leng for DNS privacy, see DNS Privacy.