CNAME Following

Leng implements following CNAME records as specified in RFC-1034 section 3.6.2, where it returns all necessary CNAME and A records to fully resolve the query (as opposed to just returning a synthetic A record, which is known as CNAME flattening).

⚠ This is the behaviour of most if not all DNS servers - Leng is only special in this in that it has to deal with cuustom DNS records, the resolvers it proxies, and blocklists. You should not need to change its default behaviour, but this page aims to leave it well-documented.

dig request example

$> dig first.example

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>> first.example

;first.example.		IN	A

first.example.  	300	IN	CNAME	second.example.
second.example.		300	IN	CNAME	third.example.
third.example.  	300	IN	A


The resolving for the downstream CNAME records is done with the same question type as the original question. That is, if you ask AAAA, the following CNAME queries will be AAAA questions too.

Custom records

If you have set up your own custom records, those can also be part of the CNAME chain.

This makes it easy to alias custom records to external domains:

customdnsrecords = [
  "login.vpn       IN CNAME"

Querying login.vpn will also return the A record corresponding to


If any of the domains involved in the CNAME-following is part of a blocklist (that is, it would get blocked if it corresponded to an A response, rather than CNAME) then the entire request blocked (unless the domain is part of the custom DNS defined in the config)

For the example where we have

first.example   IN CNAME second.example
second.example  IN CNAME third.example
third.example   IN A

if any of first.example, second.example or third.example appear in a blocklist, the request for first.example will fail.


CNAME-following is enabled by default, but you can disabled with the following:

# leng.toml

followCnameDepth = 0